
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This little ramble is an update about what I am doing for the next nine months, but it begins with a bit of word vomit/processing of what i’ve done in the last eleven months. I hope it all ties together in a way that is easy to understand! Good luck, Ha!


The World Race – for me it was eleven countries in eleven months, one month shy of a full year of traveling the world. Touching down in four different continents, trying different food, immersing into culture, crazy adventures, all of the things! These experiences are so fun and they’re a part of the journey of the World Race, but they aren’t what it’s about. Actually these are minute details in the grand scheme of the World Race and even life in general. 


“Then what is the World Race about Marissa? It just looks like you’re on a vacation/photography spree.”


Glad ya asked, my guy!


The World Race is about learning how to serve people in different cultures and share the Gospel with them. In addition to those things, it is also a spiritual, physical and emotional combat zone that strips you bare and then builds you up. (: Doesn’t that sound like fun????


So, you guys, here’s the 411, here’s the hot gossip!

 I’m not a normal Squad Leader, I’m a cool Squad Leader. (;




Many of the things people don’t see are homesickness, spiritual warfare, spiritual and personal pruning, building relationships while living in tight knit community. Not to mention, uprooting pain, lies and sin, or what about walking through repentance, confession and forgiveness? There’s the “M A Y B E,  i’ll  T H I N K about proclaiming what the Lord is doing in my life in a blog, sentimental email or FaceTime call home” debate, but often times its actually done in the secrecy of the World Race community. In addition to the things listed above, there is also the exposure to poverty, slavery, racism, political, social, and religious oppression. For the most part, as an American, safety isn’t an issue because Racer’s are protected by the Father and their hosts, but there is the occasional encounter with thievery, cat calling or the creep that will follow you for five minutes and then walk away. There are many things that aren’t glamorous about this trip at all. Sometimes, the pictures taken by the Racer’s are all cutie, stylish and filled with laughter, often caused by someone asking their friends to say something funny. Other times the pictures are really hard to post because of the reality of the brokenness that people live in and dignity guidelines. There’s a lot more to the World Race than a good picture, though. What people don’t see, are the hard moments in quiet time when a prayer refuses to leave the lips because brokenness rears it head and says, “you’re wasting your time, no one is listening to you”. No one knows about the tough conversations being had about the darkest parts of our hearts and minds that would never be brought to light in community at home because of fear and shame. There are moments of failure, for instance, when grace, patience or love aren’t extended amongst squad mates. Imagine that, missionaries being rude to one another. Aren’t missionaries supposed to be humanitarian saints that have it all together and save the poor and the broken? No, dude, missionaries are people who have their own load of crap they wrestle with and sometimes, it takes a toll on the heart and they operate out of fear, hurt and shame. Believe me, people get hurt in the process. This is the “behind the scenes” footage that Racer’s rarely post or talk about. Although these things are challenging, they bring forth good fruit. When this is worked through in healthy community and relationship with Jesus, we are able to walk in freedom and confidence. Chains are loosed, generational curses are broken, identities are rooted in truth, love, and Jesus. Relationships are restored, walls are broken down, healthy habits are formed. It’s incredible that suffering can produce such an abundance of joy and growth. 


Personally, I’ve walked through all of this on my World Race and it was tough, to say the least. Though all of those things took place I was able to walk thorough it all with grace, joy and perseverance. The Father helped me build up spiritual, physical and emotional endurance. He taught me how to cultivate healthy relationships that will, literally, last an eternity. He helped me confront parts of myself that I would have never have had the courage to face on my own. Not to mention the sin and shame that attempted to humiliate me in front of my Savior, but He knew it completely and was patiently waiting for me to lay it at the foot of the cross that He hung on for me. This journey is not for the faint of heart, it is for those who are looking to be challenged. Would I recommend it, yes, but not to just anyone. 


What happens after all of that, though? 

What does someone do with their life after changing so much? 


Welp, you activate what you’ve learned, of course!


While you’re on the World Race you have to deal with all of this jazz and live out what you’ve learned immediately in ministry and community. Although this is tough, its great practice for the arena at home. (For all of my Brené Brown fans, the mission field arena was a toughy lolol)For me, activation looks like discipling the next generation, by leading them on their own World Race.  Walking shoulder to shoulder with a group of 18-20 year olds through their own mess. Do I have the opportunity to travel to two new countries? Yes. Does my ministry look the same? Absolutely, not. This time, I lead instead of participate. My role is now Squad Leading. This role involves modeling a healthy lifestyle of boundaries, spiritual disciplines and discernment. Pointing them to the Father, speaking truth into tough situations, walking with them into discomfort and reminding them to have a Christ-like perspective on life. There are many other things but, I just wanted to share some of the important ones. 



But, CHECK THEM OUT! **HEART EYES** These are the sweet women that I have the pleasure of pouring into for the next nine months! (not all women are pictured) THEY are my ministry and I have to say, I am so honored to be able to be apart of the growth, change and life of each of these beautiful young ladies! 

I still partake in the same ministry that these Racers are a part of but my main focus is them. The transition from Racer to Squad Leader hasn’t been difficult, but it does come with its challenges. Although, my squad and teams were ministry opportunities on my World Race, I still had people outside of those relationships to pour into and honestly, I wasn’t as focused on my immediate community when it came to ministering. Now, my focus is this community. My job is to seek the Father in such a way that it models what a healthy relationship with Christ looks like, then to pour out to them what is being poured into me. I get to do day-to-day life with these little Jesus’! I get to know them deeply and walk with them shoulder to shoulder as God takes them on the journey of a lifetime! 

This generation, Gen-Z, has a lot to work through but also, a lot to celebrate. These young adults are coming of age in an era that promotes comparison, hedonism, a disregard or ignorance of truth and an acceptance of worldly lifestyles. However, what we can celebrate is their heart to love, their effort to fight for equality and inclusion for themselves and others. We can celebrate their eagerness to find truth and the heart of our Father, so that they can grow in their true identity in Him and open their eyes to the brokenness of the world; Which, eventually, will bring them to repentance in their own lives and pave the way for others in their immediate communities, social groups and families to see Who Christ is! 

This is an incredible group of humans who chose to step out in faith, which is at odds with their current world view, and seek out the truth of who they are meant to be in Christ, what their purpose is and what role they play in the kingdom! This is a brave group of young women who are willing to walk through everything I told you about in earlier sentences.

My heart is gripped with love, compassion and zeal for these beautiful humans. God has truly gifted me with the coolest ministry opportunity ever, for the next nine months. This is no vacation friends, its a joyful and fruitful war. It gets messy, hard and daunting at times, but The Father has His hand in it every step of the way. 


Thanks for reading!


Love Always, 






6 responses to “Titles Are Hard”

  1. Thank you for sharing your heart and your gifts. I’m very grateful to God for putting you into all these lovely girls lives as a good friend & mentor. Looking forward to seeing how He works in and through you all.

  2. Pam, thanks so much!! Your niece, Morgan, is such a sweetheart and I love her very much. She talks about you all the time and always has sweet things to say about her Aunt Pam. Thanks for being such a light in her life and loving her so well. You’re doing great things for the heart of this young woman, I am grateful for you and the role you play in her life!

  3. My beautiful friend. So well said and filled with so much truth! I love your heart for your sweet gappies!! They are so lucky to be loved and led by you

  4. I am so stoked to get a front row seat of what Abba is doing through you and your teams. Love you!!